around us especially during the holidays who love us makes us feel wonderful on the inside. As we are loved, we, in turn, give love to those around us.
It reminds me of a very special Christmas commercial that was very simple, but it gave us a very profound message. In 1971, Coca-Cola launched a series of commercials that were simple. They all started out with a single individual singing a very simple song. The song began, "I'd like to buy the world a home..." In just a short time, more voices and more people picked up the words.
That commercial started with a very simple thought. Bill Backer, the creative director at Coca-Cola, met with the songwriters, Billy Davis and Roger Cook, in a London airport cafe, to discuss what he would like to do. He told them that he wanted to buy everyone in the world a Coke.
Well, it did not go over too well. Davis did not respond favorably to the idea. Backer, sensing his problem, asked him, "Well, if I could do something for everybody in the world, it would not be to buy them a Coke."
Backer then asked him a great question, "What would you do?"
"I'd buy everyone a home first and share with them in peace and love," Davis said.
A very simple message. If you listen to the commercial, that is the first line of the song. It is not buying it a Coke, it is buying everyone a home and furnish it with love.
Jesus, during the Last Supper with disciples, washed their feet and gave them a new commandment. He told his disciples to love each other just as he loved them. By doing that, his disciples and all Christians prove to the world that they are followers of the Christ.
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:34-35 (NLT)
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